Monday, 24 May 2021


 This weekend has been long over due and has felt like normality is slowing coming back and we’ve honestly had the best weekend we have had in ages!.

As soon as Monday came , I knew the first thing on my to do list was book the cinema for the weekend.

I have really struggled with the cinema not being open as it was something we did every week and I really couldn’t wait to start going again.

Although I am eager to watch the new SAW film, we booked Peter Rabbit for us all and the children were so excited , especially Nila. I didn’t realise how much this pandemic has had an impact on her.

She was so happy to see lots of people , she ended up turning round half way through the film and shouting hello to everybody and waving - was the cutest thing and really melted my heart .

They had popcorn, chocolate stars and slushies - the works!, and had a Mac Donald’s for tea on the way home , was such a treat and they were so happy .

Sunday night Mezz and I went to the pub quiz. This is something we have been doing for the longest time and honestly. It was such a breath of fresh air .

To mingle and laugh with other adults- I work from home and have no interaction with adults all day, this was heaven! :) We also won too! , and had such a lovely evening .

I’ve woken up this morning feeling so good for it and finally feeling like we can start looking forward to more weekends like this!.


  1. How refreshing to get back out there again, sounds like you all have a fab time and the cinema was a great success!

  2. I honesty can not remember the last time I went to the cinema, it looks like you all had a great time. It is lovely to start being able to do normal things again

  3. We saw Peter Rabbit over the weekend two! Our youngest kept trying to talk to the children rows in front of her. I think that the younger ones have really missed seeing other humans!

  4. Awww it sounds like you all had a good time! That's good! Where have I been there's a new Saw film - I'm anticipating seeing the reboot of Candyman! x

  5. Aww, bless! It's so nice to be able to get out and about a bit again, isn't it? The kids have had a tough week this week as my dad's not well, so I treated them to a morning at a place where you can paint some pottery today and they loved it! :)

    Louise x
