Thursday, 1 July 2021


 So our littlest bug turned 4 yesterday and I honestly don’t know where the past 4 years have gone.

It has honestly flown by and Nila is the most funniest little bug you would ever come across.

She is full of jokes and silly one liners and thrives off making everyone laugh.

She had the best birthday, we went to the park and she spent her birthday money before school- she goes to nursery in the afternoons and was so excited to take in sweets for all her friends :)

We headed to the water splash park after school and we had an absolute blast together . Nila was in her glory and loved every minute of it .

We then went to Mac Donald’s for her birthday tea as she requested, Mac Donald’s is her favourite :)

We ended the day on birthday cake and snuggling up on the sofa watching Shrek.

Can’t believe my last baby is 4 now and going to full time school in September. Going to really cherish these summer holidays and make loads of memories together :) 


  1. It sounds like she had an amazing 4th birthday, and we have had a few birthday teas at McDonalds in the past.

  2. Aaahhh it sounds like she had a lovely day. Happy Birthday Nila . Have a wonderful summer x

  3. This sounds like such a lovely humble birthday, and I'm so glad she had a nice time, she looks so happy x

  4. Happy birthday!! It looks like she had a great day. My youngest will be 11 this December. Can't believe they years have flown by so quickly.
