Thursday, 19 August 2021


Nila is off to full time school in September and honestly , it has gone so fast , the summer holidays have been so fun but they have definitely gone by so quick!.

We’ve been trying to incorporate all sorts of learning throughout the holidays , as well as helping her prepare for school by helping her with her coat and shoes , them first steps they need to know ,that just melts your heart :) 

We always gravitate towards the Orchard toys  games as they are so educational and honestly, I haven’t come across a better company for children’s educational toys yet .Our collection is HUGE and ever growing :)

We were sent the match and spell game which has been an absolute hit and Nila has learnt so much.

Match and spell encourages letter recognition and consistency playing the game , helps the little ones remember their sounds .

It teaches phonetic word building and Nila is amazing with her sounding words - pig , cat , hat, dog , she has come on leaps and bounds.

There are more complex words which are the four letter words which we will move onto next :)

What I love the most about this game is their are two options , almost like an easy and hard .

So you start off with the cards that have the letters already on them , which helps promote matching of the words and letters. A great way to introduce letter shapes and sounds.

Once your little ones have mastered these then you can move onto the next stage which has no letters on and just the picture .This encourages the little ones to really concentrate on getting their letters in the right order and also connecting their phonic sounds together .

Another great game to add to any collection or the perfect little gift for birthdays or Christmas :)



  1. The Orchard Toys range is fabulous! My daughter adored the games when she was younger, fantastic for keeping young ones engaged and learning!

  2. This looks like such a great tool for phonics! It's fun and colorful, too. What a fun choice!

  3. It is hard preparing them for school with the little things, and fun games are a great way to help them learn as well.

  4. This looks like yet another fab set from Orchard Games! They have such great quality products.

  5. This sounds like a great way to teach kids phonics. I can't do phonics at all part of my dyslexia eek!

  6. Looks like a fun way to help children to learn phonics and improve their speech.

  7. This looks like a great educational game. I like that there are two stages, with and without letters.

  8. Fabulous, so importaqnt to get them learning early on. Orchard were always my favourite games and learning toys when mine were young, they are fabulous quality.
