Tuesday, 31 August 2021


 For the last few weeks Nila has not stopped going on about s’mores. Thanks to youtube and Ryan’s world :), she has been desperate to go camping this summer .

We actually got sent our own family camping tent which was actually perfect for us, 3 bedrooms and a great living space , really happy with it !.

So I booked in for the night at Higher Whitemore Farm in Biddulph which is only 25 minutes drive from us.

It is definitely a back to basic camp site , which was what I was looking for . £20 per night and situated on a farm which was perfect.It had a portaloo  with a sink and running water so easy access for a quick wash and teeth brushing in the morning too.

We arrived at 12pm and set up our tent up , the sun was shining and we were all so excited for our first camp out!.

We played tons of games.I beat Alessia a million times at UNO, it’s our favourite card game ever. We played snakes and ladders and coloured with our music on.

We had a picnic lunch in the tent which I had prepared at home and then Alessia helped me cook sausages for tea- sausage and cheese baps with plenty of ketchup, they were lush.

The girls went and explored the rocks and played tag whilst I cleaned up and got the s’mores ready. This was the moment they had been waiting for :)

The stove I got was from Argos , £18.00 and it is brilliant , honestly the perfect camping stove and such a bargain. We ended up going to Halfords to buy the gas cans for it and they were only £2.50 each!. 

The s’mores were SO good and we were completely stuffed!. We went for a walk to see the farm animals before heading back for tea and biscuits and snuggling up in our sleeping bags with a movie .

I charged 2 power banks so we were fully stocked up on battery :) 

It was probably the worst night sleep of my life ha!, but the girls woke up so happy and it really did melt my heart . 

We packed up and played outside with stomp the rocket which is really cool and great for kids . You stomp on the foot pedal which transports air to the rocket and it shoots up , we spent ages playing with it and trying to catch the rocket .


Our first camping trip was definitely a success and we can’t wait to plan our next adventure :) 


  1. I'm so pleased that your first camping trip went well. It seems like you had loads of fun. The kids faces say it all!!

  2. It looks like you all had a great time, and it is great for the kids and family to get quality time together and learn about nature as well

  3. Your tent looks so fun and colourful - it would definitely stand out in a crowd!

  4. Wow that's a pretty big tent, but perfect for what you guys need as a family. Looks like you had a great time x

  5. Aww it looks like you had a lovely time (even if you didn't get much sleep, haha!). Jack is desperate for us all to go camping.

  6. Sounds like you all had so much fun at Whitemore Farm! I am loving the photos and this sounds like a great idea for families to head our to enjoy nature and enjoy camping together.
