Thursday, 2 September 2021


 I have been dreading this day since the start of the summer holidays. Don’t get me wrong , working from home with a little one can be a challenge but I do love spending the days with my little Nila.

We have had our fair shares of trying to divide my time between Nila and work and deadlines and videos- but I have really loved being able to be a stay at home mum with Nila .

We have had a lovely 4 years together and made so many memories that I will always cherish, but today is the start of a new era.

First day of reception and my god , she absolutely loved it. I set the alarm, had to wake her up , bless her little heart .

She was so excited for her packed lunch and we made sure she could open the zips and her fruit pot lid- these little things us parents always worry about :)

We put the PJ mask sound track on in the car and we were rocking it out , let me tell you,My Nila loves her music and we had a right jam!.

We queued up for her new class and she was so excited, she said ‘I’m so ready for this’ which honestly melted my heart. 

The teacher welcomed her in and she went off so happy. I on the other hand cried my eyes out , but she came out saying she had the best day ever .

She did end up chucking her spoon and her fruit lid pot in the bin with her rubbish, but she was so proud she had managed to put all her rubbish in the bin for me , she is the sweetest little one .

It was so strange having a full working day with no children!. I got so much done and haven’t  had to work this evening.

She fell asleep for ten to 7 tonight and is still out cold , it’s definitely been a busy day and she can’t wait for tomorrow :)


  1. I know what you mean. When your youngest goes back you wonder what you'll do with yourself. It's great it has cleared up your evenings.

  2. Aww what an exciting day and a big step for you both! I'm glad she can't wait for the next day at school that's a good sign.

  3. I remember that first day and hated it, I think it is harder on us Mums, so glad she loved it

  4. Oh bless her, she looks super excited to start! So glad she had a lovely first day, I hope she's getting on well :)
