Friday, 22 October 2021


 If you don’t know by now then ,we love halloween , it’s one of our favourite times of the year and we definitely go all out .With lockdown last year , the girls missed out on trick or treating and we have been trying to do as much as we can this year just in case - you never know do you!.

We took the girls to the Halloween farm at the beginning of the month and they absolutely loved it . Pumpkin picking and a trick or treating area , it was honestly amazing and will definitely be taking them again next year .

Mezz and I have booked a murder mystery night away for our spooky treat from Red letter days and I honestly can not wait!. We love all things mysterious and this looks amazing .Also includes a three course meal and drinks and we could really do with having some quality time together . It’s been a tough 18 months!.

Sweets are a must!. You can’t do Halloween without a bunch of sweets and treats can you?.

Haribo always come through with their spooky treats . The kids love the scaremix and the little trick or treat bags are great for when the little ones come knocking :) 

We also pick up a new game for over the Halloween half term. It’s usually a board game but we’ve switched it up this year and have found Stomp Rocket® Junior Glow .

I can’t tell you how cool this is . We took it camping with us a few months ago and used it once the sun went down , it’s brilliant and so easy for all ages to use .

Dessert in our house goes down a treat , and we’ve teamed up with Toblerone cheesecake to give our cheesecake that spook vibe and I think we’ve done a pretty good job.

Plus, who doesn’t love cheesecake too!….

Nila is dressing up as a witch this year and wanted a wand . The Harry Potter wands are the perfect addition to any costume this year and it’s so realistic too!.

Are you ready for Halloween? I’d love to know what you do this time of year and what plans you have for the half term ..


  1. I think I've at least one child dressing up as a witch. We have a Harry Potter wand too, that certainly is the perfect addition to a costume x

  2. We really do not celebrate halloween here since the kids grew up, mind you I do love the treats and still need to try the toblerone cheesecake

  3. I'm a big Halloween fan too. I am really into it this year. My favourite Halloween pastime is making spooky treats to eat! :D

  4. I am so jealous of your murder mystery night - wish I had thought of booking one of those! Some great Halloween must haves.
