Tuesday, 19 July 2022


Visiting Costa Dorada for the week, we did a lot, and saw so much on our trip. It’s definitely a place for exploring and adventure.

5 things to do in Costa Dorada whilst on your stay and definitely let me know if you do any of these! :)


I have never been to a winery or wine tasting before, considering I love me a glass wine, it’s bizarre isn’t it?.

We went to the winery at Família Ametller with the lovely Marijke Ele who showed us round the vineyard, the cellar and then we had a lovely wine tasting session.

It’s something I can tick off my bucket list now, and the wines were delicious. Are you a red or white wine lover? It’s definitely white for me :)


This is something I have wanted to do for years. I never thought I’d get the chance to do it, I absolutely loved it. I was a little nervous and did wear a life jacket, even though I can swim,I probably watch to many horror films about the sea and scared myself , but I did it and it was so much fun .

Paddle boarding with Náutic Parc l’Hospitalet de l’Infant TB was incredible and I’ve since looked into doing some lessons in the UK.


Costa Dorada has one of the biggest theme parks in the world consisting of 6 different areas - wow!. You definitely need more than a day here and you can book in at one of their hotels.

Absolutely packed with rides for all the family, all ages and was such a fantastic day out.


We did a lot of sight seeing and tourist walks. I love walking in general so these were really fun and interesting and I love getting to know the areas and history behind them too :)


Food!. Oh my , the food in Costa Dorada is insanely good. Their speciality dish pan con tomato was SO good, as well as all the beautiful meals we had. 

If you are on an all inclusive trip then definitely treat yourself to a dinner out - it’s completely different and such a treat !

Let me know if you visit the soon and what you get upto that I missed out on :) 

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