Friday, 12 August 2022


 The summer holidays have definitely been giving us slower mornings and I am really enjoying them - no rushing for the school run and actually sitting down and relaxing with our breakfast :)

Our new favourite is Kangaroo Beach on Milkshake weekdays at 7.35 - yes my kids are still waking up early , are yours?.

Follow the gang on their journey to becoming lifeguards!. We also visit nanny and grandads who live by the sea so this is a great one for Nila.

Everyday on Kangaroo Beach is filled with with action packed fun. Join Joey Pounce, Gemma the platypus, Neville the Wombat and Frizzy the Koala as they train to become junior cadets with their life guarding heroes - Bondi, Sandy and Big Trev.

It’s also great for teaching little ones to listen to their grown ups and learning all about safety at the beach now the sun is shining!. We are loving these heat waves :)

We love all the characters , especially Gemma the platypus who loves exploring the ocean .

What’s more, they paired up with Smiggle and launched their own school range ready for September!.Bags,pencil cases, water bottles, stationary - the whole lot!.

Nila is obsessed with the Gemma backpack and we’re using it for our camping trip as she just can’t wait!.

Don’t forget to check in to Milkshake and give the Kangaroo Beach series a watch yourself , you won’t be disappointed!.

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