Thursday, 26 January 2023


 Empathy is the ability to be aware of how others feel and what it might be like to stand in their shoes. It is the key ingredient needed to have good friendships and relationships. It helps to reduce conflict and misunderstandings which leads to a kinder individual with greater success in life. Like any skill, empathy can be taught and developed in children. Given that cognitive abilities and life experiences change overtime, it is important to teach your child about this moral value as soon as possible. Here are some top tips from this prep school in Southgate on teaching your child to empathise with others. 

Model empathy

If you want your child to pick up a skill, you have to model it yourself to begin with. This way, your child will understand what empathy looks like, how it sounds and even what it feels like. Furthermore, it is a lot easier to teach a skill that you have already mastered yourself. If you are upset with your child, be sure to show empathy. This teaches them that empathy can be used even when you are angry or hurt. The more empathy your child receives, the more likely they are to practice it themselves.

Talk about feelings

Be sure to make your home a space where emotions can be talked about openly. Remind your child that there is nothing embarrassing about talking about how they feel. For example, if your child is afraid of the dark, instead of saying that there is nothing to be afraid of, ask them what it is about the dark that scares them. Never tell your child how they should feel. Make it clear that all emotions are allowed and teach them how to manage them in a healthy way. This can be done through communication and reflection. 




  1. These are great tips! It's important to instill this in kids as young as possible in my opinion. Thanks for this!

  2. Empathy is such an important skill to have and such a good thing for kids to learn young. Some great tips x

  3. I wish all parents would do this, it's important. As a teacher I see the effects when it doesn't get taught.

  4. This is a very helpful article. I always say that when teaching your kids certain behaviors, they learn best by watching you.

  5. My parents almost never spoke about their feelings so I find it so hard to talk about when I am sad or why I am angry. I feel like being able to talk about these things openly can really help a child feel like they can express themselves. Thank you for sharing.
