Wednesday, 15 March 2023


 When it comes to Nila, she has definitely taken a leap out of Alessia’s book when it comes to gaming and all things youtube and Roblox.

Just like Alessia , she loves watching YouTube gamers, playing on Roblox and getting creative on her iPad.

She was super lucky this week as we’ve been working on a collaboration with the LankyBox team and have received some goodies.

I can not tell you how shocked she was when I let her open the box and said she was chosen to work with them. 

She was saving up her tooth fairy pennies to buy the thicc shark plush so was even happier to have received this one :)

I absolutely love what I do for a living and feel extremely blessed that we get these opportunities and I can put a smile on the girls’ faces .


  1. My grandson loves playing Roblox too! Your daughter sure looks very happy that she received these goodies. I am sure she will have great playtimes.

  2. She seems soooo happy lol...I will check YouTube gamers, I feel it might appeal to my son.

  3. Such a cutie and so happy she is loving her goodies! It is a beautiful thing and you can be home with them too.... such a blessing.

  4. That shark looks so cute. It must be so nice seeing her face when you get little treats through for her x
