Sunday, 19 March 2023


Happy Mother’s Day. To everyone that celebrates today, I hope you’ve had a nice one but I really wanted to remind you all of something .

Today is just another day, yes it is Mother’s Day, but if you are a mum, then you are a mum 365 days a year.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love Mothers Day. My eldest has been here and we have all gone out for lunch.

I’ve got some lovely gifts and some beautiful handmade presents and cards, but aside from that, I am their mum every day and the pressure to have ‘the best day’ is overwhelming.

There was a time that I would look on social media and see all these amazing gifts and fantastic looking days planned out , bunting and god knows what else and the pressure for the day to be ‘perfect’, would actually end up ruining it.

For anyone that has felt like this today or has seen Instagram and it’s made them feel like crap, just remember today Is just another day xx


  1. I totally agree with this, I am a Mum and got a lovely gift, but apart from that it was a normal day. My daughter is struggling with her illness at the moment and so we just had a lovely relaxing Sunday.

  2. Social media can make events like Mothers Day or Fathers Day look so different to the realities of it. And you're right you're a mum all year round, so while it's nice to have a recognition day it is just the same all year round x

  3. I agree with you. I do not expect a big deal, it is nice to have a little fuss but yes, we are Mum to our kids every single day

  4. Such a great and helpful reminder! Happy mother's day to all. We are all perfectly imperfect mothers in our own ways.

  5. Happy Mother's day....I am so glad you had a fantastic day, well deserved.

  6. Great point, this reminds me of an episode of News Radio. The owner was so upset about everyone forgetting moms the rest of the year and encouraged them to forget Mother's Day but to reach out and do something every day instead.

  7. I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day! So nice you got to all go out together and enjoy the day! But I agree, it can be a bittersweet day for many. I've learned as I've gotten older, it's a joy and a blessing to be a mother. I have so much respect and appreciate for moms all over because I don't think they get enough credit and deserve a day of special acknowledgement around the world. And I know that for those with complication relationships or who are not yet mothers it's day where we can look beyond our own situations and say thank you to the women in the world who have stood up for us, fought for us, work hard to make the world a better place. To the mother figures in our lives as well :)

  8. We should be showing our appreciation to our mums all year around. One day a year doesn't feel like enough.

  9. I love Mother's day too! It made me realize how amazing and powerful all moms out there. Thanks for sharing this!
