Wednesday 1 March 2023


When I say Mezz and I are like passing ships, I am sure that saying was made for us. We literally pass each other most of the week and it’s just become normality now.

I decided to try , try being the operative word, as childcare is impossible for us, to book somewhere over night and have a little night away to reconnect and unwind.

It worked!. Our eldest daughter came over and had a sleepover with her sisters and we enjoyed a well needed night off.

We stayed at the The Fuzzy Duck Armscote which is owned by the Baylis and Harding siblings,it was bliss.

Everything about the stay was perfection and having a night off to just be us is something we really need to do more of.

We talked about non children stuff :), discussed booking a family holiday this summer , house moving, exciting work opportunities and we honestly laughed so much, we haven’t laughed like that in a long time.

It’s got me thinking about living and how busy we get as adults and parents, work, the children , a house to run , but taking time out for each other is something we really should prioritise.

We’ve also had a little coffee date this week too , to check in with each other, so I definitely think this is the start of a new chapter for us :) 


  1. Sounds like you both had a great time reconnecting. It is certainly important.

  2. That's so good that you both got a chance to spend some time together without the kids. Adult time is super important, and I'm sure the girls had a great time together x

  3. Bet it was lovely having some one to one time, childfree! Sorting childcare can be so hard (I have the same issue) so really glad you managed to get away

    Laura x
