Saturday, 11 March 2023


Today has been the best unplanned day off I have had in such a long time and to think I was dreading it!.

Woke up as usual and had my morning coffee, and knew that it was likely to be a no school day as the snow had been really bad Thursday night.

I sipped on my coffee waiting for the text, and there they both were, both the girls were off school.

I’ve got to cancel my driving lesson and can’t get to the gym , it was like I had put myself in a mood before the day had even started.

Nila’s little face when I said we were going to make a snowman instantly snapped me out of the stupid funk.

We did her homework and done some reading, had breakfast, opened up some toys that I had got sent through work and done some pictures and had a relaxed morning before heading out.

Alessia came out too, even with her poorly back and we had such a giggle making  Alfie, the snowman :)

We warmed up inside with cups of tea,some chocolates and Introduced Nila to goosebump the series. I’ve watched this, and are you afraid of the dark, with Kadiann and Alessia and now Nila :)

We snuggled on the sofa and spent the whole afternoon binge watching it and I couldn’t of felt anymore content and lucky.

I’m now catching up with work and planning the gym for tomorrow :), but today has honestly been such a lush day with my girls.


  1. I remember how much fun snow days were when I was at school. I still had to go to work Thursday and Friday when it snowed, the drive took me over an hour instead of 20 mins so I didn't really appreciate the snow!

  2. Sounds like a nice relaxed day to spend together as a family. We had quite a bit of snow too, but I'm glad it's gone now x

  3. We only had the lightest flurry of snow so no Snow Day for us. Glad you all had fun.

  4. Aww a snow day, very jealous we only got rain and wind 😞 we did prepare for it but only parts of London had some snow.
