Monday, 22 May 2023


When it comes to work, the house and the children, I am generally a very well organised person and I have to manage my time quite well in order to get everything done.

 It’s definitely a game of juggling it all, but with the right management to your day, it can run smoothly.

I wanted to share with you how I manage my time working from home as I get asked quite a lot how I do it.


If you are new here, I work from home as a content creator and I am also a freelance project manager for Admire PR.First of all I do a to do list on a Sunday evening for any social work that needs doing and then scheduling the week onto our system for my project manager role.

Having it there in front of you before the week starts is honestly a game changer. We do have a system for Admire but I also love a pen and planner so I can tick things off as they are done. Different coloured highlighters for blog , socials and Admire makes my Filofax 100% manageable and effective!.

I normally use Fridays to write and schedule my blog posts for the next week so I am always ahead of the blog and know what content is going out and I don’t have to worry about it .


In the morning before we leave for school I make all the  beds, open curtains, do the breakfast dishes so I can either go to the gym before I log on for Admire or do a quick workout at home.

The washing gets done in between coffee breaks / the joys of working from home, and i give the house a full clean on a Friday morning.


Taking the breaks. They definitely help me stay on track and they break down the work day. It’ll help you stay pro- active with your daily list and you won’t find yourself trying to scroll Instagram or getting side tracked because you haven’t had that switch off break .

The weekends are no longer full of work and things that ‘need’ to be done . Life is short, book a cinema trip with the kids or take that well deserved day off and go hang out with your friends.


It is so easier to just work, work, work, and I have done this for many of years where I have burnt myself out completely. Clock off at a time you set yourself and stick to it.

This way you are more likely to get your list ticked off. Having no ‘end’ to the day can get you falling into the trap of not applying yourself 100% to the working day.

I also break the week up and go to Starbucks to work one day which can help that brain fog and cabin fever by the time Wednesday hits, plus, who doesn’t love a work day with Starbucks coffee and cheese toasties!.

Some days am I losing the will to live?, absolutely. Do I have extra work that’s come up half way through the week?, definitely, as long as you have a starting point and some kind of work / home life schedule, you are on the right track.

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