Monday 31 July 2023


 Juggling all these balls this summer holiday and I am not going to lie, I am wiped already!.Working until lunch time, then taking the girls out in the afternoon, and then blog working in the evening - send help, and more coffee :)

It is all fun and games though and I know I am in a very good position where I can work from home and then take the children out later on in the day, so I will always count my blessings, but boy this mother is exhausted!.

There have been quite a few free things to this summer in Stoke, so I made a little list and popped some stuff into my google calendar, weather permitting, obviously. Half way through summer and all we have had is rain, how annoying!.

Also the stigma around , summer holidays and having to do all these amazing things, and making a thousand memories, cost of living kicking everyone's backsides, and the fact that, it is the children's break from school, and sometimes all they want is to sit in their pyjamas all day and play on their iPads - it is fine...

Free family fun days for us the past three days and the rain has been real, but the girls have had so much fun, and that is what counts, right?.

If we waited for the rain to go before doing anything, we would never get out, the joys of living in England right?. Mezz and I stood in the rain, absolutely pouring it down while Nila smiled away on the fair ride, was really funny and it didn't stop her from having the biggest smiles.

We also went to the other local fun day with friends which was lovely, Alessia is at the age where she can go out with her friends for the day, but Nila really does miss having someone to play with. The summer holidays can be tough on the children as they miss their little friends so much.

We really did make the most of it today though as I had also booked in to watch the Barbie movie -  much of the controversy and opinions on whether children should watch it, I LOVED it!, and so did the girls. I wouldn't say it was overly inappropriate, I thought it was very empowering and very much girl power- I have three daughters, so this was definitely a film we loved.

We got popcorn and milkshakes, and had such a lovely day, we got home past 8pm, and spent the rest of the evening doing face masks and playing roblox.

Have you seen the Barbie movie yet?, what did you think?.



  1. I haven't seen the Barbie movie yet but I am really looking forward to seeing it.

  2. I'm sure it was such a happy day out & with Barbie movie for her. Her smiles shown it all. I still yet to watch Barbie movie, gonna be soon. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing

  3. Your enthusiasm for quality time shines through. The blend of entertainment and bonding is heartwarming. Thanks for reminding us of the joy in simple moments. Looking forward to more! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🍿🎬
