Friday, 14 July 2023


 Summer holiday panic setting in and you are not quite sure what to do for a whole 6 weeks?. I love having some kind of plan in place, and everyone that knows me, knows, I love being organised, so I have found a few things to do over the summer that not only look really fun but are also free!.

We have booked a holiday at the end of the August so any free activities or days out I can find are a bonus as we all know, money isn't stretching as far as it has done before, so every little helps when it comes to having fun and also being money savvy :)


Congleton Paddling Pool is the perfect little day trip. It is open daily and has a few sessions running during the day, booking is essential via the council website. We haven't been here in such a long time, I think the last time we went was when Nila turned one for her birthday treat.

Head to the park afterwards, the kids will love it.There is usually an ice cream van around too which the girls love taking their pocket money and getting ice- cream.


Celebrating the 60th year since the dam height was increased and extra water supply has meant more help in the community, family fun day all round!.They've got lots of activities on - circus skills, bouncy castles , arts and crafts and lots more. All activities are free and runs on Tuesday 22nd August from 11-5pm.

A great day out with the family, pack a picnic and make the most of it. There is a park, lake which we always go in, and ice cream van as well as a cafe for refreshments.


The Whitfield Valley centre has a Dinosaur hunt for all the dino lovers. Thursday 27th July at 11am, you can find out some really cool fun facts about your favourite dinosaurs and spot them on your hunt.

Prizes for the dinosaurs you can find :)


If you are local to Biddulph town, the zone have a huge range of free activities for children aged 9-17.  A youth centre which has things on most days of the week including movie 'n' munchies afternoon, design your own t-shirt or cap and even gym sessions, which I think is fantastic.


Something we go to every year. The family fun day in Biddulph. It is always jam packed and full of fun, with many free attractions and activities as well the usual tombola and other stalls, which I am quite partial to a bit of tat off a tombola :)


We are a family of book worms so anything to do with reading or stories is always fun for us. Stoke Reads have got their storytelling festivals lined up for this summer. Depending where you are in Staffordshire , they on between 11- 3 at the following parks: 

Tuesday 1 August: Tunstall Park
Friday 4 August: Longton Park
Tuesday 8 August: Yeaman Street Park
Thursday 10 August: Burslem Park
Tuesday 15 August: Hanley Park
Friday 18 August: Fenton Park
Tuesday 22 August: Bucknall Park


The library in most areas have free fun for kids, minecraft mornings, story time for the children and arts and crafts.The girls do their reading challenges over the summer most years and get a medal and certificate.

The Biddulph library has lego club on the 2nd, 16th and 30th August between 10-12pm, which is a drop in session. 

Check your library for more details.


A new thing I have found this summer is the children's clothes swap carnival. As well as fun and games,craft fair and even a parent and baby area, they have a clothes swap. Bring your little one's clothes and swap for something new for the summer.

This is such a great idea, and saves buying new bits for the warmer weather when you can swap out your smaller sizes for bigger :)

Hope some of these days out help you over the summer half term and I hope you have a lovely one. 

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