Monday, 24 July 2023


 July is nearly over and I have only managed to read one book since May!. I am a busy bee let me tell you, and by the time I get chance to read, I am flat out asleep. Summer holidays are here too and juggling work and the children is real, anyone else working through the whole of the summer holidays?.

We have got a few days at the end off August booked for Lanzarote so I will be packing a nice new fresh book for then, the beach and a good book - my kind of happy!.

Last month's book Hide and Seek was 10/10, a great plot twist and would highly recommend it. For this month I wanted something a little lighter. I picked up the two lives of Lydia Bird by Josie Silver a few months back and is on my list for this year..I have got so many books that I haven't read so i am trying to get through the ones I have before buying anyone. The struggle is real though, I am a sucker for a good cover and if one catches my eye I cant help but buy it!.

Josie Silver also wrote One day in December, which was my Christmas read and I fell in love with that book, so having high hopes for this one :)

Lydia and Freddie. Freddie and Lydia. They'd been together for more than a decade, and Lydia thought their love was indestructible.

But she was wrong. On her twenty-eighth birthday, Freddie died in a car accident.

So now it's just Lydia, and all she wants to do is hide indoors and sob until her eyes fall out. But Lydia knows that Freddie would want her to try to live fully, happily, even without him. So, enlisting the help of his best friend, Jonah, and her sister, Elle, she takes her first tentative steps into the world, open to life--and perhaps even love--again.

But then something inexplicable happens that gives her another chance at her old life with Freddie. A life where none of the tragic events of the past few months have happened.

Lydia is pulled again and again across the doorway of her past, living two lives, impossibly, at once. But there's an emotional toll to returning to a world where Freddie, alive, still owns her heart. Because there's someone in her new life, her real life, who wants her to stay.

I am really enjoying it, I am a softy when it comes to love and get sucked into a book with a lot of emotions. I look forward to reading a chapter every night and cant wait to see how it ends.

It has has mixed reviews so if you had read it, id love to know what you thought ...


  1. This sounds like a great read. The premise is one that I think everyone can relate to.

  2. This is exactly the kind of book I love to sink my teeth into. It's the kind of book that's full of all kinds of emotions.

  3. This definitely sounds like my kind of book, the true love and then the heartache. Then the choice of which direction to take

  4. Sounds like a very interesting and entertaining read. I've been trying to find books that are uplifting, so hopefully there's a happy ending to this one :)

  5. Time truly flies! ☀️📚 Finding moments to read can be quite the challenge amidst the busy buzz of life. Your dedication to juggling work, parenting, and the desire to enjoy a good book is truly inspiring. Summer holidays bring their own adventure, and working through them is a testament to your commitment. Let's keep the reading spirit alive, even in the midst of the summer hustle! 🌼📖 #SummerReadingGoals

  6. It sounds like you have been enjoying your books so much! I love the sound of this one.

  7. I like to read emotional stories, even though I am always crying when I do so
