Saturday, 2 December 2023


 The girls have been itching to get the Christmas tree up and we normally get it out every year to put up on the 1st December but they have been super eager to get it up earlier this time. I did the worst part and got that out the way early and if you are a parent then you will know exactly what I mean.

We did start having a real Christmas tree but since having the corner sofa there is no room to swing a cat, never mind a real tree so we have had our fake one for the past two years until we move!.

Assembling the tree and the branches is the worst part of tree decorating, and do not get me started on the lights. I untangle them every year before putting the decks away but for some reason when I come to the Christmas bag they are honestly a mess, I have never seen lights that tangled in all my life, Nila says it must be the elves playing tricks on me, and I think I agree :)

The children hate sitting there and waiting while I sort the tree out so I prepared it this week and got it ready to go, top tip for the years to come as it was bliss and worked a treat.


It still feels really weird not decorating the tree with Kadiann. She is my eldest and doesn't live at home anymore and I always feel a little sad putting the tree up without her, but your children grow don't they, they become amazing young adults and I couldn't be any more proud of her.

We have gone with traditional colours for the past few years and I absolutely love it. Red, gold and green. Nila loves the nutcrackers we have and I found our Santa that was my grandad's in a bag I was sorting out a few months ago oi that is on there this year and it really does make my heart happy.


Friday nights are always pizza nights, it is a tradition and nothing quite starts off the weekend better than pizza on the sofa in front of the television with a good film. 

Top mum points this Friday though as I remembered the corn on the cob - the things we mum have to remember every day week in and week out right?.

Snuggling on the sofa watching the Grinch with the tree up is giving me all the Christmas feels, it really is starting to feel like Christmas and I really want to be more present this year, I say it every year but this year is going to be different.

Have you got your tree up? what colours are you going for?


  1. It is weird those first couple of years when the kids are gone to put up the tree without them. Even worse if they live far away and can't make it home. I have that with one of the kids this year...first time ever. I'll be visiting him but it's a lil different than I'm used to and I wish we'd all be under one roof for at least the holidays. :)

  2. I love the Friday pizza night tradition. Totally agree that it's the best way to start any weekend.

  3. The mix of traditional colors, nutcrackers, and the sentimental touch of your grandad's Santa must create a magical atmosphere.

  4. The lit up Christmas tree is the beginning of festivities. It is so much for all of us who grew up with trees and ornaments and holiday parties.
