Friday, 26 January 2024


 We are halfway through January and I am already on my second book, who am I?. I think I actually did this last year and was such an eager reader but then the year got a little busy and hectic and I didn’t reach my year goal of books.

I started a book just after Christmas and didn't read much so I am classing that one as a 2024 book as I barely got through any of it. Is that cheating? I don’t know but I am rolling with it.

The next book is The Family Upstairs. I actually started this last year in the summer and I will be honest. I just couldn’t get into it. There were too many characters to make sense of the book and I honestly think I was just not in the right mood for the book.

Anyone else feels like sometimes when you start a book, it’s just not the right one at that specific time.

Anyway, I want to get through a book a month this year and I won’t be buying any as I have plenty sitting on my bookshelf so I thought I would pick this one up again while I am on a roll.

The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell starts off with Libby receiving news on her 25th birthday that her birth parents have left her an abandoned mansion in a wealthy part of London. She hopes this will lead to answers about who she is and where she comes from.

It's a bit of a hard story to follow I personally think. I am halfway in and really have to concentrate almost to get into it at times. It goes back and forth to present time and past quite a bit which is actually something I dont like in a book but I am ploughing through it and I am quite intrigued by the actual story so looking forward to finding out the dark mysteries that I know are about to happen.

Have you read this one ?. What did you think of it..

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