Wednesday, 27 March 2024


 Girls holiday booked and we are super excited to get away, just me and the girls for a carefree few days, no boys allowed. The older two girls have their essentials covered and will happily relax on the plane for 4 hours and amuse themselves, when it comes to younger children the aim is to keep them entertained and comfy like you would on a train journey to Nannies for as long as possible, here's how.


We love a games night, so have a ton of different games in the house that we can take on our trips away. Games like Uno, dobble and cards are great games for little ones. They keep them engaged without having to do too much hard thinking and the game duration doesn't last too long where they become bored easily.


You can not go wrong with pencils and paper. We take them everywhere we go. Children can draw what they see in the sky, write about their journey or colour in pictures.


The Ipad is my saving grace. There are some really cool apps to download for a long plane journey as well as Netflix movies, Disney + episodes and more. A movie on the iPad is just under halfway there right?. Make sure you download everything onto your device before flying. 


We do normally buy lunch on the plane, it is always a treat and the girls love picking something from the menu, but the hunger never stops there, especially if boredom hits and the trolly comes back around with crisps and chocolate, so pack snacks, some really special ones always bides you time. Sweets they haven't had for ages or their favourite biscuits works a treat :)


Blanket, neck pillow or their favourite cuddly for when they are ready for a nap. The comfier they are the longer they will nap. Nothing better than your little ones taking a long nap on a plane. We went to TUI BLUE Ephesus in Kusadasi last summer and on the way home Nila fell asleep before we took off and we had to wake her up when we landed, bliss!.

Also comfy clothes. No one wants to be wearing jeans on a 4-hour flight. Leggings, cycling shorts, something comfy enough to really relax in.

What are your travel essentials for the little ones to keep them amused..

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