Thursday, 1 August 2019


If there is one thing we love in this house , then that is a soak in the bath with a bath bomb.I have a box in my room with bath bombs and I must admit , my stash goes down quite a bit as the girls keep pinching them!.

So when we received the So Bomb DIY vanity case to review - Alessia was super excited. She gets to make her own bath bombs and have her own stash of them :)

The set includes

  • 3 plastic cases to make the bath bombs in
  • A pipet 
  • 3 surprises to add into your bath bombs :)
  • Little pack of sprinkles 
  • Baking powder in three different colours 
  • Citric acid powder
  • Stickers to decorate your box 

To make the bath bombs is super easy . I couldn’t actually believe how simple they were . Does anyone else open a craft set and then think‘oh god’, well that definitely isn’t the case with this one :)

You add a packet of the baking powder , whichever colour you want into a bowl and add a pipet worth of water to it and mix. Then add a packet of the citric acid and mix it all together so there are no lumps.

Put the mixture to one side and repeat the exact same steps with another colour.

Add a few sprinkles to one side of you bath bomb case - then add one colour of the mixture to the fill the rest of the half up.

In the other half add a little of the other coloured mixture then pop your surprise in . Finish off by hiding your surprise toy with the rest of the mixture.

Now pop to the two half’s together . This can be tricky . We found if you try and line them up a little then quickly close them helps to not lose any of the productz

Leave them for 2 hours and they are good to go. As simple as that.

They turned out brilliant and made a super fizzy bath bomb that spelt amazing!. This set was definitely a hit in our house and you can by extra sets to make more , including bubblegum scent which we are all excited to try ! :)

The set has an age limit on it for 6 years plus and retails at £13.00 and can be purchased from a few places including Amazon and Argos.

-We were sent this product in exchange for an honest review. 

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