Monday, 4 January 2021


If 2020 has shown us one thing then that is definitely that anything can happen with a blink of an eye .

If you would of told me in March when the pandemic hit that the world would still be suffering I would never of believed you and I don’t think half the world would of .

2020 has definitely put a lot of things into perspective and it has shown us that some things we didn’t have in place for us and our family , we really needed to look into them this year .


No matter how many January’s come and go and New Year’s resolutions I make to start saving for the following year , it never happens . 2020 was the year that everything broke , the car needed a million things doing to it and we didn’t have a penny in our savings pot.

I’ve actually set up a standing order for a little to be taken out every month and put into a savings account so I don’t have to do any of the hard work and don’t have to think or worry about it .


We all had birthdays in lockdown last year and honestly , I wish I had started planning the children’s birthdays a little sooner as it would of saved delayed presents coming from online , out of stock wrapping paper and expensive last minute purchases when I could of got them cheaper if I had bought in advance.So definitely plan ahead if you can and get them bargains now the January sales have hit :)


Slow down / simple . The world is always running at 100mph and being in lockdown gave me the time to slow down and concentrate on some things in our life that needed attention.

Hobbies that we all wanted to start but always said there wasn’t enough time , when there is , if you just slow down and get your thoughts together. Alessia learnt to ride a bike and we created some lovely recipes and crafts . There is always time , just slow down . 

I’d love to hear about any changes or new things you have put into place this year for you and your family .

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