Monday, 2 January 2023


 Happy new year , I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and new year and have enjoyed some time off with the kiddies or time off work to enjoy the holidays.

We’ve had a lovely Christmas and it’s really been fun. We’ve definitely ate well, it’s almost the best part isn’t it - mince pies, pigs in blankets - yum!.

As a new year starts I always sit and do some reflecting on the year and 2022 has been an absolute rollercoaster of an emotional year.

I lost my uncle and to say it’s hit me hard is definitely an understatement. I’m trying to deal with it as best as I can though some days are harder than others but grief is a funny thing isn’t it, it hits you as and when it wants.

Some of the happier memories was summer. Wasn’t it a hot one!. We had the big pool out and the girls and I loved lounging in the garden with our books and just feeling care free.

I got to collaborate with Jet2holidays in the summer and went to Costa Dorada in Spain which was incredible and something I never thought I’d do thorough work. 

I also started at Admire Pr as a project manager which has definitely been a breath of fresh air and something I fell straight into as If the role was made for me.

Alessia started high school, I can’t quite believe how big the girls are getting!. 

Nila had the big chop and cut her hair this year and we finally managed to get rid of the dummy, which I’f you’ve followed our journey, you will know that her dummy was such an attachment.

It really has been a busy year. This year I hope to make more memories, I want to go on a girls only holiday and have the best girlie week away, to pass my driving test and to just be happy.

I hope you’ve all had a great 2022, here’s to another year!.


  1. Sounds like it was a busy year. I am looking forward to Spring time this year and a bit more sunshine, but hopefully it won't get quite as hot as last summer x

  2. I am sorry to hear about your uncle's passing, I'm sure that was very difficult for you to all deal with. It sounds like you've had some real achievements over the year though, so you should be proud!

  3. It certainly was a hot one which was lovely and made a change. The collaboration with Jet2 sounds great, congratulations. It's nice to get to do things like that when you can.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your Uncle, losing someone close is hard and affects us all in diffferent ways. One of our friends lost his Dad this week and it was a total shock. It does sound like you had a lovely 2022 with lots of memories made
