Thursday, 23 February 2023


The kids love a girls trip into town , so I had planned us an afternoon out after work.

I had booked us in to watch Matilda the musical as a treat as it’s been in the cinema for a while now and once it hits the kids club showings, the tickets are only £2!.

There’s lots of things to do in the half term for under £5 and I think we’ve had a lovely week off so far.

Slushies and coffee at the ready - we love a cinema trip, it’s my favourite thing to do and I love going alone as well!. Anyone else enjoy a solo cinema trip?.

I really enjoyed it, I prefer the original but the musical was really good, and the girls loved the songs :)

Chopstix noodle bar has opened in town so we treated ourselves for dinner. 

A girls shopping trip isn’t successful unless you have a nosey in primark right?. Nila found herself a gym set which she ‘needed’ for when she does yoga. 

She loves yoga as they do it in pe at school as well so that came home with us. She also lost another tooth in there. The tooth fairy came and delivered accordingly :)

Millie’s cookies to polish off the day and some colouring in TKMAXX as they have a craft stand for the kids.

We were all absolutely shattered by the time we got in, which is a sign that the day has gone well.

How’s your half term going?, we’ve got swimming booked for Saturday and then it’s operations iron all the uniforms ahead of Monday :)


  1. Sounds like such a fun day with your kids! Seeing a musical sounds like a great memory.

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely day out, not been to the cinema this year but we have an Everyman near us which is great and has sofas for comfort

  3. Sounds like a great day, a movie, food, some shopping and Millie's cookies. I loved Matilda when I saw it, but I had seen the stage production so knew what to expect x

  4. It sounds like you guys had a really lovely day out. I think mine would love Matilda. Need to look into booking that.

  5. We loved watching Matilda too, the songs were just so catchy we're still humming them!

  6. I have fond memories of going into the city with my mother for a mother-daughter day out. We would always go to the botanical gardens and feed the birds. Sounds like you had a lovely day.
