Friday, 4 August 2023


 Travelling over the last few years, I have definitely got the bug for it, and if you would have told my past self I would be travelling alone, and with strangers in the future, I would have told you , you were lying!.

My confidence for travelling, especially with strangers has really grown, working with Jet2 finding the best places to eat in Croatia and exploring Costa Dorada with new found friends has been amazing, and I can not wait for my next travel adventure.

We are heading to Lanzarote at the end of this month for a family holiday. We haven't been away together since 2019 just before the pandemic, so we are really excited for the all inclusive food ,unlimited snacks and the waterparks.

I have been looking at weekend getaways for Mezz and I for the end of the year and have found a few places I would like to visit, hoping we can tick one of them off of my travel bucket list!.


Although I am a hot weather kind of girl, ever since watching Emily in Paris, it has been on my bucket list ever since.The fact that I work in PR and social media is also a bonus, and I really can not wait to post on my Instagram grid saying 'Kira in Paris', cliche I know, but I really do not care :)


Not to far to travel to and a great weekend break is Amsterdam. After a few searches, I have found it be quite an affordable trip away, cost of living and all that jazz right. The canals are just absolutely beautiful and something you wouldn't tend to do if you was in a hot country.

I am all for sitting by the pool getting tan but I really want to get out and travel a bit more different that what I’m use to - a visit to the Anne Frank house with hellotickets or a tour around the Van Gogh museum would be so interesting. 


Another easy weekend away and somewhere that is on my travel list. Although it is cold in the winter there, the nights at that time of year are perfect for star gazing, snuggles in the pub with a song on the duke box and a warm whiskey.The famous northern lights on the northern coast line too!.They are meant to be stunning , something I would like to see for sure.


Now for the sun and the sea!. Cyprus is one of the largest islands in the medeteranian sea and is known for its gorgeous shady beaches and clear water. This is my ideal break away from the children somewhere warn. Sitting on the beach with a new book, an iced coffee, the sun and sea, I could spend hours on the beach, it is my happy place and we really need to go more.

The speciality food Cyprus has to offer looks delicious - fried hallumi and all the cheese you can think of - anyone else cheese obsessed?. 

I am really hoping Mezz and I get to explore one of these places on my list together this year. I really want to get out and travel more, and I think little weekends away are going to be my new favourite thing :)


  1. We were talking about how beautiful Ireland is recently! Definitely on our list too and of course gorgeous Cyprus!

  2. Ive always wanted to visit these places too, especially Paris!

  3. ireland is in my travel list too! Its a great place for a holiday family destination.

  4. We were in Paris last year, not been to Amsterdam for a few years. Ireland is somewhere I would love to visit as is Cyrpus as never been

  5. Your travel journey is a true inspiration, and your growth in confidence is a testament to the incredible experiences you've embraced! 🌟✈️ Exploring new places, trying out the best culinary delights, and building connections with newfound friends – it's a beautiful symphony of adventure and connection.

  6. Ooh Ireland looks so stunning and really peaceful too. I'd love to visit...I think its a lovely destination any time of year. Great list! I hope you get to visit them all ^_^

  7. Absolutely love your travel aspirations for the year! Your journey from overcoming hesitation to exploring new places with confidence is inspiring. From dreamy Paris to cozy Irish nights, your descriptions make each destination come alive. Wishing you and Mezz incredible adventures and unforgettable memories ahead!

  8. I agree with your choices. I’d like to visit Ireland and Cyprus one day too.

  9. I've been lucky enough to go to all four of these places and I would love to explore them all even more. My husband hasn't been to Amsterdam before and I really want to take him x
